Presentation of computers to Port Antonio Infant School - Jamaica
- On July 6, 2021, we handed over seven computing devices, inclusive of laptops and tablets to the Port Antonio Infant School. No longer will they have to share one laptop between nine staff members. The staff had already began formulating plans to incorporate them in the classrooms.
- The principal and faculty expressed their gratitude. At the end of the presentation, lunch was provided for all in attendance. It was indeed a nice vibe in the warmth of the tropical sun.
Painting of the Bathrooms at the Port Antonio Infant School - Jamaica
May 7, 2021, we undertook a project to refresh the bathrooms (Girls, Boys, and Staff) with a new coat of paint. The project was completed not long after.
Christmas Party for Port Antonio Infant School - Jamaica
christmas party dec 16 2021. We collected and sent $302 USD, and $5,950 JMD so the school could purchase gifts, ice cream and cake for
Computer Lab - Port Antonio Infant school - Jamaica
- During the month of March 2022, a shipment of computers, monitors, and projectors, were sent to the school. The goal was to establish a computer lab for the student population.
- Several consumable items were also included in the shipment.
Easter Bun and Cheese Party - Port Antonio Infant School - Jamaica
- During the Easter celebration of 2022, we purchased sufficient quntities of “Buns and Cheese” for the school population, in order to provide a refreshing treat. The party was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. A cool glass of milk was also serverd.
Computers to MooreTown Infant School - Jamaica
- On July 13, 2022, several computers were donated to the school.
- On the first day of school when it reopened, we provided lunch for all students and staff.
2nd Painting project at Port Antonio Infant School - Jamaica
- We undertook a project to refurbish a section of the roof at the school. It was completed on January 5, 2023.